Horror Cinema Obsession
Dive into the dark with ’Horror Cinema Obsession,’ where hosts Richard and Angeles explore the spine-tingling world of horror films. From classic scares to modern nightmares, and the hilariously horrific in between, this podcast offers a deep dive into the genre’s best and worst. With a mix of passionate discussion, cultural insights, and a touch of humor, ’Horror Cinema Obsession’ is your ultimate companion in the quest to uncover the secrets and stories behind horror’s most compelling creations. Join us for weekly explorations of cinema’s most haunting tales, where every scream and shadow has a story.

Monday Jun 24, 2024
#13 2010 Nightmare on Elm St: You die in your dreams you die for real
Monday Jun 24, 2024
Monday Jun 24, 2024
Welcome to another chilling episode of Horror Cinema Obsession. This week, join our hosts Richard and Angeles as they dive deep into the 2010 remake of the horror classic, "Nightmare on Elm Street." The duo explores the dark and gritty reimagining of Freddy Krueger, the infamous dream stalker, and his new set of teenage victims. From the film's unique take on Freddy's backstory to the haunting dream sequences, Richard and Angeles share their thoughts, laughs, and occasional disbelief.
In this episode, they discuss:
The impact of Jackie Earle Haley's portrayal of Freddy Krueger
The film's nods to the original 1984 classic
The controversy surrounding the remake and its reception
Favorite kills, standout scenes, and special effects
Whether you're a die-hard Freddy fan or new to the franchise, this episode offers a fresh perspective on the 2010 remake that you won't want to miss. So grab your coffee, stay awake, and join us for a journey into the terrifying world of "Nightmare on Elm Street."

Monday Jun 17, 2024
#12 It Follows: Sexually Transmitted Demon
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Welcome to Horror Cinema Obsession, where hosts Richard and Angeles dive into the eerie world of horror cinema. This week, they endure the 2014 horror film "It Follows," a supernatural thriller that combines elements of classic horror with a modern twist. Join them as they analyze the film's plot, characters, and the relentless entity that haunts the protagonist, Jay. From the unsettling atmosphere to the psychological tension, discover why this movie has both fascinated and frustrated horror fans. Plus, enjoy some laughs and personal anecdotes along the way.

Monday Jun 10, 2024
Friday the 13th part 7 New Blood : The sequel we all have been asking for?
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Welcome to Horror Cinema Obsession. Here, we dive deep into the chilling depths of horror cinema. From the critically acclaimed scares, to the laughably ludicrous, and even the delightfully obscure. Now, let's join our hosts, Richard and Angelus, as they share their love, laughs, and sometimes sheer disbelief at the world of horror movies.
This week, Richard and Angelus tackle one of the most iconic horror franchises as they dissect Friday the 13th, Part 7: New Blood. Tune in as they discuss the return of Jason Voorhees, Tina's telekinetic powers, and the gory details that make this film a cult classic. With laughs, critiques, and personal anecdotes, this episode is a must-listen for any horror aficionado.
Whether you're a longtime fan of the series or new to the terror of Crystal Lake, this episode will have you on the edge of your seat. So grab your popcorn, turn off the lights, and dive into the horror with us!

Monday Jun 03, 2024
Poltergeist III : "Carol Anne, Carol Anne, Carol Anne"
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Welcome to Horror Cinema Obsession. Here, we dive deep into the chilling depths of horror cinema. From the critically acclaimed scares, to the laughably ludicrous, and even the delightfully obscure. Now, let's join our hosts, Richard and Angelus, as they share their love, laughs, and sometimes sheer disbelief at the world of horror movies.Hey folks, I'm Richard. I'm Angeles. Yeah, and how is my beautiful co-host? I'm doing good. You're doing all right? I'm doing all right. I'm hanging on. You're hanging on? Keeping on, keeping on? Keeping on, yeah, rolling. guys i am doing so much better this week i feel like a million bucks compared to last week again i apologize that was not my uh hundred percent like me so if that came across i apologize if i was a little grumpy we got to hear a richer stick yeah i was i mean i listened back i listened i was curious i didn't sound bad honestly maybe i'm a little narcissistic but my takes were pretty solid i'm just saying i brought it i think you look worse than you sounded just because i can tell you were not feeling a hundred percent you were just tired i was not drowsy dozing off yeah i looked like bill cosby slipping something it was pretty bad oh my god you're fucking, Hey, dude, I've told you that story. I've been Cosby'd before. Roofied? Yeah, Cosby'd. It's fucking crazy, dude. But that's a different story. No, we want to hear about your roofied story. No. There's names. There's names. There's people. We're going to give it a fake name. It's going to be Glenda. No, we're not going to go down that road. Anyways. Anyways, how, uh, Jesus Christ. Focus, Angelus, focus. Zoom. Oh, God. How was your week? It was stressful as hell, man. Stressful as hell. You were kind of hitting on that. Yeah. I had, I just, work is just freaking crazy. Just getting it, huh? Yeah. There's, it's, I only have a couple of big projects open, but one's ending and it's just dry gain and then another big project is starting and it's just like, A hamster and a spinning wheel. Like, I don't know where to go. I know what you mean. My week was kind of hectic, too, like that. We had a bunch of deadlines to meet. But then it got extended for us. Oh, nice. So we got a little bit of saving grace, which thank you to the powers that be. But I will say, I mean, that being said, like, and being sick, I was sick all Memorial Week. And I know, boo-hoo, cry me a river. but that i i i worked i went into work wednesday to friday had a short week short week but man they crammed a lot of stuff on me but got it done happy i passed my driving school saturday it's a big announcement guys tell us more yeah so unfortunately and embarrassingly i've got a notorious lead foot i i speed i'm a maniac on the roads but guess what i have a whole new lease on life and reality i am not the the owner of the road my priorities do not yeah exceed anybody else exactly richard that's what i've been trying to tell you all this time yep 10 and 2 on that wheel five over is the max i'm ever gonna take anymore and guess what anybody in front of me going five under i will not curse you out no more there's no road rage yep so i'm a whole new man so i'll be driving everywhere with a big smile on my face and i'm gonna be so happy okay and shout out to the spokane sheriff's office you guys are amazing i will report back on this on our next trip, when my license is suspended. Asking you babe can you take me to work no take the bus no not the transit, but yeah no so that i mean that going i just did that saturday morning that was a lovely time a lovely time how was your saturday morning you had your your nieces and nephews It was hectic in my house. Oh, man. They had a sleepover, and they were, yeah. I mean, they're two, one's almost three, and then a four, almost five-year-old, and then an eight-year-old, and they were all just, like, wanting to play and attention. Yeah, a very lively bunch. A very lively bunch. They, man, I'll tell you what. Your nephew is hilarious with the dinosaurs. When we put the new Jurassic Park on. Roar that was him that was the whole conversation this morning he was wearing dinosaur pajamas yeah and everything that i was asking him it kept circling back around to freaking dinosaurs and dinosaurs roaring i was like what about this uh dinosaurs eat chickens i was like all right oh yeah because i kept bringing i'm like dude yeah dinosaur the people are like chicken nuggets oh he he found like a squeaky chicken in vienna's room and she told him that he could play with it so he pulled it out and he's like that dinosaur is gonna eat it all excited dude that's another thing the string of luck i had this week yesterday alternator went out it was such a random time so i had a week i know right after work i put in a full eight hours and then i had to my car was trying to shut down on me on my way home i coasted right into my garage luckily and then shout out to my brother by the way if you're listening thank you so much dropped everything Everything he was doing to help me out, it was a two-man job for me. So definitely, he drove me around. Go get the parts. So shout out to you. Love you, man. So you're going to do something big for him? Yep, yep. Best brother a person can ever have. Take him out to a big fancy dinner. I don't know about that. No, not that. No. But yeah, anyways, let's kind of get back on track, I guess. That's with our week. You said you wanted to bring up something specifically to me on the pod. Right now? Yeah, did you want to talk about it right now or do you want to wait? Give it a second. Let it marinate? I don't even know what we're marinating in. We'll see. It's not bad. Is it some chisme? No. Is it something to do with my machismo? No, you're not machista. Not that I've seen. Sometimes you say things. I'm like, get your own food. Whoa, let's let her rip. Let's hear it. No, no. First of all, this week we're covering the movie Poltergeist 3. Oh yeah, that's important. We're covering Poltergeist 3, baby! 1988. Mm-hmm. PG-13. You talk so much about horror movies being PG-13. Hey, this one pulls it off, though. One of the few. It's a rarity, but this one pulls it off. And you picked this one. I did. You know why I picked this one? What? because as a kid growing up i guess i was privileged i had cable tv this is what we're going to bring up every day to angela's i was very cordy angela's i was very privileged you were we had cable tv and if anybody's aware of cable tv there's a network called wgn it's a chicago network but they always played it they played bulls games whatever all things chicago right Well, they also played movies, but they're always Chicago-themed movies. And guess what? Poltergeist 3 takes place in Chicago. And they played the living hell out of this movie. And I would catch this movie all the freaking time. Not that I even enjoyed it back in the day, but it was just on. And I think I watched it so much I got brainwashed to saying this movie's good. I enjoy this movie. It is forever in my zeitgeist. That it's good? Yeah. And plus, you can't go wrong with Tom Skerritt's mustache, dude. Come on. His caterpillar mustache? Yeah. How'd you feel about that? It's very caterpillar-y. I want one. It's very 80s. I want one. He still has it. Dude, Tom Skerritt, 90 years old. He deserves his flowers. He is an amazing guy. 90 years old. Oh, yeah. This is what, after this conversation that we had in my car about your WGN network. Yeah. This is what I went home and pondered on my thoughts. And I was like, I'm going to write a list for Richard. Because you had the nerve to call me uncultured in the car. Whoa, putting me on fucking blast? Yeah. Dude, I called you uncultured. You did. We were talking about horror movies. And you brought up your TV network, this gadget mustache dude. And how the hell. Stop it. Put respect on his name, goddammit, Tom Skerritt. And how the hell do you not know who Tom Skerritt is? I was like, let me remind you, I was born in 1989. Same as I. I didn't move. I lived in Mexico and grew up in Mexico until I was 11, so until 2000. And then when we moved here, I had some of my mom's cousins and other kids around my age. They introduced me to a lot of the culture and what was popular at the time. This was back in 2000. And Tom Skerritt should have been definitely in that rotation. Oh, 11, 13, 14-year-old kids. They weren't sitting there binging horror movies and Tom Skerritt and his alien. Hey, shout out. At least you know that. Fuck, dude. And so I was getting slowly introduced to the Lizzie McGuire show. That's so Raven. Fucking their brothers making fun of the girls for liking. I know. You're getting acquainted. You're getting acquainted to America. Call me on culture because I wasn't familiar with this. Yet uncultured with horror with horror and just things so i was like let me remind i wrote a list of things i was watching while you were watching your wg i remember i remember the comment you're 34 years old and you you say you love horror which isn't bad i'm not judging you but you like maybe i'm judging a little bit because we just had a conversation i'm like hey a little quiz as we were testing our mics. I'm like, where's Michael Myers from? And she's like, Crystal Lake. I'm like, Jesus effing Christ. Oh, so any listeners, please let us know where Michael Myers is from. I was watching horror. That's what I was getting to. But it was a different horror. It was Mexican and Latin American horror. So not your horror. So I went down because you called me on culture. I have to bring up some names of some freaking majestic Mexican and Latin American actresses and actors and some of the work that they were doing in the horror. And so that I can call you uncultured Mexican horror. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Majestic? What do you mean by majestic? Like, they're just majestic creatures, beautiful beings. They're just like how you hold to your standards, Tim Skerritt. These people are for me. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Tim Skerritt or Tom Skerritt? Tom. And I'm not saying the dude is the best actor since Slice Bread. You were drooling during the movie and you were like, mm, that mustache. It just reminds me of the 80s so much and my dad throughout the whole you met my dad right yeah yeah well he has like a goatee slash beard now but back in the 80s 90s that motherfucker was rocking a full-on we're italian mario mustache and that's what always reminds me tom scare it's mustache reminds me of my dad's mustache it's hilarious and it is majestic so And it is majestic. Anyways, continue with your Mexican cinematography. Mexican cinematography. To see if any of these names come to mind, Richard. And if not, why the hell don't you know these names? Oh my God, I will do my best. The first one, Roberto Mario Gomez Bolaños, most commonly known as Chespirito. Oh yeah, dude, he was in Saved by the Bell. Sure. He was an icon. He had a lot of, he didn't do horror, by the way. Tricked you. He did a lot of comedy stuff. Yeah, he did Saved by the Bell. No, he did a lot of comedy stuff. Chavo del Ocho, Chapulín Colorado. So for any listeners, Spanish speaking, they grew up watching any of this, don't know who I'm talking about. We have Maria Elena Velasco, also known as La India Maria. She did a lot of comedy. And she also had tapped a little bit into doing like comedy and horror. Yes, yes, this is all sounding familiar. Oh, yeah, totally. I was hoping so. And then we have Viruta y Capulina, this pair of actors who would do a lot of comedy together. And then they would also do little spoofs, scary movies. And the most, I feel like, popular actor as far as horror is El Santo, the wrestler. So he, I need to have you watch some of his movies because that's what I was watching a lot on TV. Was en santo en santo against the vampire woman so the mummies zombies invasion of aliens dead of world of the dead and then against witches so every movie he was fighting a different monster oh man so he covered everything so these movies in mexico did they have like big like in the the states theatrical like releases i don't remember like how does movies were from the 70s and 80s how so when you're growing up in mexico how did that work did you guys have big cinema like trailers on tv like coming out on whatever this is coming come see us in the theaters like did you have that you don't remember any of it probably okay i just was curious on tv i did not go to the movie theaters i know but like you don't ever remember seeing like trailers on commercials in between your novellas no they that's just what was playing. Weekends weekends i feel like popular tv networks it was most all movies no no commercials yes commercials but that's what i'm saying like your regular tv shows so most of it it was movies and then like you would have this recurring like domingo and gigante and sabado gigante every saturday, And then there was another one that would come out on Sundays. So I understand that part, the shows playing on TV. But in between the shows, the commercial breaks. You never had like trailers or anything? They never did that? It was commercials for companies and selling things. Oh, okay. I get you. Maybe for soap operas was a big one for commercials. Real quick, what was your favorite soap opera going on? Talia. No, Marimar. Nice. What was your mom's? I don't know. I did a name. I had a dog. I had a white lab. I named her after Marimar's dog, Solavino. Wait, what was the name? The dog's name? Yeah. Solavino. Solamino? Solavino. Solavino. Yeah, from Marimar. Well, shout out. I'm sure some of our listeners love that. Also, whenever in Spokane, guys, Elsa Zone. Oh, my God. Hey, man. Good food. Good place to be. good hangout um so anyways richard i was not uncultured i was just watching different stuff from you thank you we can go back to poltergeist three okay cool cool great we come from two different worlds but we our paths lined up now and uh thank you for that i love you so much for Oh, you're very welcome. Thank you. You've made me more cultured. Okay. Hmm. Okay. So 1988, but we're going to have a different format this time around. Instead of covering all the movies that kind of came out in this year, the biggest one, we're going to change it up. So we're not going to cover them all. But the biggest one that came out, the highest grossing movie was the Tom Cruise, Dustin Hoffman movie, Rain Man. Have you ever seen that? I don't know. No. Oh, dang. I'm just going to say no because I don't remember. I remember the name. Yeah, Rain Man. We'll have to watch it. So yeah, that's the top girl. Well, she's not in her head. She hates Tom Cruise, guys. No, I don't. Damn. So yeah, we might have to cover that. Hey, you're trying to push Titanic on me every weekend. I do not. You keep trying to bring up Titanic. Oh my gosh. gosh but notable horror movies or at least our note to me in 1988 that come out and some of these we're actually going to cover here in the next several weeks is we have a nightmare on elm street 4 the dream master we have child's play making its debut hellbound hellraiser 2 the blob which we're going to cover either it's not next week but probably the week after or maybe the The week after? Or the week after that. It's coming, guys. But it's not the original blob. It's the one with Matt Dillon's brother in it. Kevin Dillon? Yeah, Kevin Dillon, Entourage. Not bad movie. It was covered. It was made in 1988. It's the remade version, which is pretty good. And then we have Maniac Cop, which is awesome. It has our boy Bruce Campbell in it. Phantasm 2, which is pretty freaking awesome. They had a huge budget for that. And I think did a pretty good job. Wes Craven or no, was this Wes Craven, the serpent in the rainbow? It was either Wes Craven or John Carpenter. I think it was Wes. Then we have Pumpkinhead making its debut. Have you ever seen Pumpkinhead? No. Fuck, we got to cover that. I'm starting to figure out late 80s. Mid to late 80s was my childhood horror. Like, we watched the shit out of Pumpkinhead. I fucking love that movie. Killer Clowns of Outer Space, you've seen that. Bits and pieces, not the entire thing. I'm not a huge fan of it, but I know a lot of people are. It has a cult following, but it has some entertaining pieces to it for sure. And then last one i'm not terribly familiar with dead ringers does that ring a bell to you no no yeah so those were the horror movies that i i found that came out in 1988 along with poltergeist three which poltergeist three was i was wondering why the hell did they make a poltergeist three it's purely a money grab and it kind of was but they didn't really make too much money off it It was primarily made due to the success of the first two films in the series. The original Poltergeist in 1982 was significant box office success and received critical acclaim because the director was Toby Hooper, the guy who created Texas Chainsaw Massacre. But it also had Amblin Films and... Gosh, the director, the Jurassic Park director. God damn it. His name. We watched this. Ready player one. He's classic. Steven Spielberg. Fuck. I'm sorry, guys

Monday May 27, 2024
Jennifer's Body: The sacrifice at Devil's kettle
Monday May 27, 2024
Monday May 27, 2024
Welcome to Horror Cinema Obsession. Here, we dive deep into the chilling depths of horror cinema. From the critically acclaimed scares, to the laughably ludicrous, and even the delightfully obscure. Now, let's join our hosts, Richard and Angeles, as they share their love, laughs, and sometimes sheer disbelief at the world of horror movies.
In this episode, Richard and Angeles, joined by special guest Viana, dissect the 2009 cult classic "Jennifer's Body." Starring Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried, the film explores themes of female empowerment, friendship, and the supernatural. Listen in as they break down the plot, discuss the film's reception and legacy, and share their favorite moments. Whether you're a longtime fan or new to the movie, this episode offers fresh insights and plenty of laughs.

Monday May 20, 2024
Jeepers Creepers 2001 - BEATINGU
Monday May 20, 2024
Monday May 20, 2024
Join hosts Richard and Angeles on Horror Cinema Obsession as they dissect the fearful charms of the 2001 horror classic 'Jeepers Creepers'. They explore everything - from the unforgettable performances, the tension-ridden storyline, to the controversial history of its creation. Dive into discussions about the remarkable success of the low-budget film and its inspiration from an unsolved real-world mystery.
Hosts delve into memorable scenes, leaving no stone unturned. They shed light on striking details, like the dramatic reveal of the victim's body, and the unforgettable truck chase sequence. Listen as they explore 'Jeepers Creepers', analyzing the protagonists' terrifying encounters with 'The Creeper'. Get a glimpse into the unsettling allure of the iconic film, as they discuss its plot and details like never before.
Journey with us through the terrifying journey of siblings Darry and Trish as they face unimaginable horrors. Feel your heart race as Richard and Angeles examine their desperate attempts to survive and solve the mystery of The Creeper. Throw yourself into a whirlpool of thrilling discussions and intrigues that will have you on the edge of your seat.
Finally, Richard and Angeles dive into the heart-stopping images of 'Jeepers Creepers'. Engage with the debate around the Creeper's unsettling feeding habits and the psychic messages that foreshadow the ultimate showdown in a small-town police station. They close the episode with a discussion about the film's influence and how it impacted the horror genre. This episode guarantees a riveting journey into the terrifying depths of horror.
Also Review corner with Viana!

Monday May 13, 2024
Arachnophobia - 8 legs, 2 Fangs, and an Attitude
Monday May 13, 2024
Monday May 13, 2024
Welcome to yet another spine-tingling episode of ‘Horror Cinema Obsession’! In this episode, your hosts Richard and Angeles dive deep into the world of horror movies, exploring the blood-curdling 1990s movie, ‘Arachnophobia’. From personal stories about encountering spiders to sharing intriguing insights and unique interpretations of the iconic movie, this thrilling episode guarantees an entertaining, eye-opening experience.
Delve into the terrifying tale of a venomous spider species that unleashes terror in a small Californian town. Uncover the journey of a photographer who stumbles upon this terrifying species in the heart of the Venezuelan wilderness, leading to terrifying and deadly encounters. From horrifying experiences in seemingly serene small towns to the petrifying survival quest against a crawling menace; this episode leaves no stone unturned in the exploration of fear, mystery, and suspense.
Unearth the spine-chilling horror of ‘Arachnophobia’, where quiet town is overwhelmed by deadly spiders. Experience the suspense and startling encounters as the spiders infiltrate homes and attack townsfolk, leaving a trail of terrifying situations behind. Discover how our heroes overcome their fear and combat the advancing spider attack, engulfing you into the graphic narrative of this horror masterpiece.
Share in the laughter and entertainment as our hosts discuss the effectiveness of ‘Arachnophobia’, its blend of horror and comedy, and how it resonated with audiences, especially those with a fear of spiders. You’ll also enjoy the reveal of interesting spider trivia, hilarious guest moments and our hosts’ ratings of the movie.
Get ready for a scare as you immerse yourself in this immersive exploration of the classic horror film ‘Arachnophobia’. Discover why it continues to startle, entertain and ultimately delight horror cinema enthusiasts till date.

Monday May 06, 2024
A Haunting Dive into the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Monday May 06, 2024
Monday May 06, 2024
Welcome to a thrilling exploration of the eerily fascinating universe of horror cinema. This episode provides an in-depth look at the iconic 2003 remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Our co-hosts, Richard and Angeles, guide you through the film's bone-chilling plot, engrossing viewers in an unforgettable journey into hair-raising horror.
The conversation cascades into gripping tales of other popular horror releases from 2003, each one embodying chilling fear and suspense. Our co-hosts effortlessly dissect the psychology and detailed construction behind each movie, journeying through memorable releases, and comparing the narratives that encapsulated this unforgettable year in horror cinema history.
The episode surges further into the horror genre, providing a tantalizing glimpse into an array of chilling movie plots and franchises, complete with personal movie-viewing experiences shared by Richard and Angeles. This episode offers more than just reviews, it's a living tribute to the magic and influence of horror cinema, particularly those unfolded in the year 2003.
Discover the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and several other cinematic thrillers from this same year in an episode filled with humor and a wealth of information. This podcast episode is a must-listen for movie buffs, horror enthusiasts, and transformed cinephiles interested in behind-the-scenes aspects of film production.

Monday Apr 29, 2024
Unveiling the Blair Witch Project
Monday Apr 29, 2024
Monday Apr 29, 2024
Welcome to an exciting episode of "Horror Cinema Obsession." Join hosts Richard and Angeles, as they start a spine-tingling discussion on the 1999 cult classic, The Blair Witch Project. This nail-biting discussion delves deep into the iconic scenes, the impact the movie had on the horror genre, and the spark it ignited in the film industry. Get ready to relive unforgettable moments, tales of fear and behind-the-screen trivia.Walk through the nostalgic lanes of 1999, as the hosts also discuss other cinematic hits of the year like Austin Powers, Toy Story 2, and The Sixth Sense. Find out how these movies added layers to the rich tapestry of 1999 cinema. Discover why Sleepy Hollow and Stir of Echoes were also significant to the genre.The Blair Witch Project is explored from various angles. Learn about its pioneering storytelling approach, unique filmmaking techniques, and a marketing strategy that blurred the lines between fiction and reality. From the authentic reactions captured perfectly on screen to the revolution it started in the horror industry, each aspect is delved into, with special anecdotes from behind-the-scenes.As they share their personal work life dynamic, Richard and Angeles bring humor, delight, and authenticity into the mix, making the podcast even more enjoyable. Brace yourself for revelations, disagreements, and a healthy serving of laughter. Essential for all horror movie enthusiasts, this episode helps to fully appreciate the Blair Witch Project's legacy in the horror movie industry. Get ready for a thrilling journey that will take you to the very heart of Horror Cinema Obsession!

Monday Apr 22, 2024
Terrfied 2017 aka Aterrados
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Join Richard and Angeles in this fascinating episode of 'Horror Cinema Obsession' as they dissect the acclaimed Argentinian horror movie, 'Aterrados', or 'Terrified'. Gain unique insights as they discuss the film's scare factors, cinematography, and riveting storyline that sets this masterpiece apart from others in the horror genre.
Aside from 'Terrified', the hosts also revisit notable cinematic creations from 2017, including action blockbusters like 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi', Marvel's superhero sagas, and other horror flicks such as 'Annabelle: Creation' and 'A Dark Song'. Explore the growth of the superhero trend, the unforgettable 'Despicable Me 3', and the emotional 'Coco' through their enriching discussions.
Embark on an intense intellectual journey with our hosts as they unravel director Demian Rugna's unique style, significant contributions to the horror genre, and the talented cast of 'Aterrados'. Highlighting the roles of actors Maximiliano Ghione, Julieta Vallina, and Demian Salomon, they present intriguing insights into this refreshing cultural masterpiece.
Engross yourself in their extensive review of the film, discussing the unfolding of its innovative plot, escalating horror segments, and chilling finale. The episode concludes on an engaging note as the hosts share personal experiences related to the movie's scenes, maintaining an element of humor and relatability.
Expect a whirlwind of adrenaline, fascination, and enigma as this episode plunges into the depths of 'Terrified', keeping you hooked till the very end.

Horror Cinema Obsession: with Richard & Angeles
Embark on a journey through the shadows and screams of horror cinema with your enthusiastic guides, Richard and Angeles. "Horror Cinema Obsession" is more than just a podcast; it's a sanctuary for those who relish the chill down their spine and the thrill of the unseen lurking in the dark corners of the screen.
Here, we dissect and discuss everything from the iconic to the obscure in horror film history. Our episodes traverse the eerie landscapes of cinematic masterpieces, underrated gems, and even those laughably dreadful flicks that are so bad they're good. With a blend of in-depth analysis, cultural insights, and a sprinkle of humor, we peel back the layers of what makes horror films a fascinating study in fear and fascination.
On our site, you'll find:
- Episode Guides: Dive into detailed breakdowns of each episode, complete with timestamps, summaries, and behind-the-scenes tidbits.
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- Upcoming Events: Stay updated on our podcast schedule, special events, and live session announcements.
Richard and Angeles bring a unique blend of passion and perspective to the horror genre, inviting you to explore the narratives and nuances that make horror cinema a treasure trove of terror and delight.
Horror Cinema Obsession isn't just a podcast; it's a communal experience where every scare tells a story and every listener becomes part of our horror-loving family. So dim the lights, settle in, and prepare to be obsessed with the world of horror cinema.